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Software guides - ADOBE® INDESIGN

  • 1

    Create document

    1.1 .In the upper bar select Page Layout , then Size in More Paper Sizes .

    1.2 .In Page Size place the dimension of your document.

    1.3 .In Width define the width of your document and, in the Height the height.

    1.4 .In Orientation if you want your document to appear vertically or horizontally.

    1.5 .In the Margins option, enter 0.078″ (2 mm) - this margin will define the security area, ie all text should be inside this area.

  • 2


    2.1 .In the top menu click the Document Setup button.

    2.2 .N the More Options "option.

    2.3 .In Bleed and Slug , type 0.078″ (2 mm) in all fields, as in the image below.

    2.4 .Make your background elements (images, color, lines...) reach the edges. Do not put text outside or too close to the black outline, thus ensuring that it will not be cut.

  • 3


    3.1 .Go to File> Export .

    3.2 .Click Save in this new window .

    3.3 .In the window that opens, in Adobe PDF Preset select [PDF/X-1a: 2001] This option ensures that the PDF will not change.

    3.4 .On the left side click Marks and Bleeds and then under Bleeds Use Document Bleed Settings .

    3.5 .On the left side in Output and then on the right side in Color Conversion select No Color Conversion and just below Do not Include Profiles .

    3.6 .Abaixo, clique on Save Preset... , save these PDF presets with whatever name you want, so you can always reuse it. Finalize by clicking Export .